We have joined the pCon community

From now on, you will be able to work with RIM OFML data to the fullest extent. They are at your disposal in applications such as pCon.box, pCon.basket, pCon.facts, pCon.planner and others.
How to obtain RIM data:
1. Sign up (register) for pCON.login https://login.pcon-solutions.com
2. Activate your account
3. In the overview of producers request RIM catalogue
4. Once you get access to the RIM catalogue, download pCon.update DataClient https://login.pcon-solutions.com/pl/organization/applications/pud_software
5. Install OFML data via pCon.update DataClient
6. Open pCon.planner PRO/ME or work with the data in the online application
For a quick access to RIM OFML data, please use the following link: https://login.pcon-solutions.com/catalog/6VRENC. Sign up (register) for pCon.login application and work with RIM data.