2nd annual Golf Tournament of CZ & SK Architects and Business Partners

After successful first Golf Tournament CZ & SK of Architects and Business Partners, the companies RIM CZ and Endorfine joined their forces this year again to organize a follow-up tournament.
The second tournament took place on May 29, 2024 at Prosper Golf Resort Čeladná. The course of the tournament was overseen not only by experienced referees, but also by the highest peak of Beskydy Mountains – Lysá hora.
We would like to thank the golf players who participated in both categories of architects and business partners, as well as to everyone who decided to discover the beauty of golf participating in the academy.
The winners received prizes from the tournament's sponsors, the Cup for the Absolute Winner, and the main prize - Space premium task chair won Mr. Jan Kulig.
We thank everyone for the time spent together and we look forward to meeting again next year.