Otrokovice - Headquarters
RIM CZ a.s.
Dr. E. Beneše 1015
765 02 Otrokovice
Česká republika
+420 577 112 640
Should you be looking for a solution just for yourself or for your entire company, together we can find the best way possible. We will help you with your selection and prove that even an office can become a joyful place to spend time in.
RIM CZ a.s.
Dr. E. Beneše 1015
765 02 Otrokovice
Česká republika
+420 577 112 640
RIM CZ a.s.
Pernerova 691/42
180 00 Praha 8 - Karlín
Česká republika
+420 272 653 625
RIM CZ a.s.
Mánesova 885
763 62 Tlumačov
Česká republika
RIM CZ a.s.
Dr. E. Beneše 1015
765 02 Otrokovice
Czech Republic
Reg. number: 44117353
VAT number: CZ44117353
The company is entered in the Commercial Register, held at the Regional Court in Brno, Section B, File 8368.
RM 2002, 20/F
Hing Yip Commercial Centre
272-284 Des Voeux Road Central
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